Has the Swine Flu Shot Been Productive?
In order for us to establish the swine flu shot productivity, one must fully understand what the swine flu shot is and how it works once it’s administered to an individual. The swine flu vaccine comes in two forms, a nasal spray, containing a live but weakened H1N1 virus, and a flu shot via shoulder injection, containing a killed swine flu virus. A nasal spray flu vaccine is usually given to absolutely healthy people in the age group of 2 to 49. A swine flu shot, on the other hand, if offered to people with weakened immune system by chronic health conditions or pregnant women. As soon as your body gets a dose of a live or killed virus, it starts producing antibodies directed to kill it.
It can take for your immune system up to two weeks to develop proper immunity to a certain virus. The next time your body comes into contact with this strain of flu virus, it will immediately attack and neutralize it. However, it’s very hard to predict which viruses are going to be active in the following flu season. Swine flu manufacturing process involves a lot of guess work and speculation on which strains are going to be in fact present. Some believe that swine flu shot productivity is very low due to virus mutations and new strains emerging every year. Others believe that swine flu shot side effects greatly outweigh the risk of getting the actual swine flu and is very dangerous due to high levels of toxic preservative mercury and adjuvants, chemical substances for enhancing immunity response to viruses. While some health officials believe that everybody must get a swine flu shot this season, others think that the flu shot in itself is dangerous and that the swine flu death toll is greatly overstated to help with swine flu vaccine sales.

Talking to your doctor will help you establish swine flu shot productivity and whether you should be personally vaccinated.
This information is not intended as medical advice and should be used only for educational purposes.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.