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Green Jet Fuel Can Be Produced by Sustainable Power Corp

Sustainable Power Corp. produce green jet fuel from municipal solid waste and other biomass material.
Testing on green jet fuel by an independent lab, AmSpec Services LLC, showed the product exceeded the specifications for traditional jet fuel and is a viable alternative.
A mixture of ten percent green jet fuel and ninety percent traditional jet fuel is just as effective and much cleaner for the environment than traditional jet fuel alone.

In a press release that was recently made public, Sustainable Power Corp. has announced that they can produce green jet fuel which can be used in planes as a replacement for part of the traditional jet fuel. This announcement can have far reaching implications, both for fossil fuel use in the future and the condition and shape of the environment. SSTP is a biofuel production company that uses an innovated patented technology called the Riviera process to create a biofuel called Vertroleum. This crude fuel can often be used in place of fossil oils or fuels because it contains the same hydrogen that crude oil from the ground does. This means the production of a green jet fuel which significantly lowers the carbon emissions released by the plane while in operation, and will also reduce smog, pollution, and particulates in the air that are harmful to the environment and atmosphere.

It is a fact that almost twenty billion gallons of jet fuel was used in a single year, 2007, and this amount may increase if the number of airlines and flights increases. Considering this information, Sustainable Power Corp. reached an agreement with an airline that is private and will not be disclosed. The airline replaced ten percent of their traditional fossil jet fuel with green jet fuel from Sustainable Power Corp. during their flights. The results were incredible, and independent testing of the combined fuels show that green jet fuel from SSTP is a viable alternative when mixed in this specified amount. The laboratory, AmSpec Services, LLC, has reached the conclusion that not only will green jet fuel from Sustainable Power Corp. replace some portion of traditional jet fuel, but Vertroleum can also be turned into more than sixty other fuels and products as well.

The Riviera process used by SSTP allows biomass to be cycled and turned into biofuel in eight minutes, and all biomass including municipal solid waste can be used for the process. This means that at some point in the future garbage from your home may power passenger airplanes through the skies. The testing done by AmSpec services gave results which show that the bio-jet fuel not only met the current jet fuel specifications but actually exceeded these specification. This proves that green jet fuel can be used to help lower the carbon footprint left on the planet, and eliminate pollution and greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Sustainable Power Corp. was only started in 2006, but the company has come a long way, and had a big impact on the environment and meeting energy needs. Even President Obama is aware of the enormous potential this company holds to meeting future energy needs without being dependent on foreign oil or limited fossil fuels.

Green jet fuel is just one more aspect of biofuel production that Sustainable Power Corp. excels at. This bio-jet fuel can be used to replace part of the traditional jet fuel in every passenger airplane, and possibly even military airplanes and jets which use traditional jet fuel to operate. This could have an enormous beneficial effect on the environment, ensuring that global warming is slowed and that pollution and harmful emissions are greatly minimized. The green jet fuel produced by SSTP can be created using any type of biomass, and this includes plants and municipal solid waste. This technology opens up an incredible array of possibilities for future air travel as well, in a way that does not harm the environment and uses renewable energy sources. Green jet fuel can solve two problems, eliminating solid municipal waste and providing a cleaner eco friendly alternative source of energy and fuel for airplanes.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

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