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Gallbladder Polyps: What to Do If You Have Been Diagnosed With?

  • Gallbladder polyps are small growths that protrude out of the lining of the gall bladder and are less common than gallstones
  • Gallbladder polyps can be an indication of gallbladder inflammation, bile duct disease or even cancer
  • At times, symptoms of polyps may be similar to that of the symptoms of gallstones. Polyps can be taken care of and there are several things that can be done if you or your loved one has been diagnosed with gallbladder polyps
  • What may seem like a blocked bile duct, can in fact be an outburst of polyps. This article will address what you can do if you have been diagnosed with gallbladder polyps

If you have been diagnosed with gallbladder polyps there are several things you can do. You do not have to simply stop your life and forget about living.

Most gallbladder polyps are small and size does matter. The odds of cancer are much greater the larger the size of the polyp. Gallbladder polyps are usually less than one centimeter and in almost all cases are benign or non-cancerous. Benign polyps require no treatment but doctors may schedule routine visits to examine the size and malignancy in the future. For the most part, unless they grow at increased rates, there is nothing to worry about. If the polyp is accompanied with it is wise to have your doctor look into this more as gallbladder inflammation may occur.

Polyps residing in the gallbladder usually do not pose any problems or symptoms of gallstones, however further examination may be required. It is often difficult for a doctor to pinpoint the type of polyp and relies primarily on the patient’s symptoms. If the patient does have symptoms of gallstones, the doctor may need to look further to rule out bile duct disease or even a blocked bile duct. Treatment decisions will need to be made if the doctor suspects problems.

A patient suffering from gallbladder polyps with gallbladder inflammation may along with their doctor opt for surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is one of the more popular choices because it is safe and effective in treating and preventing bile duct disease. This surgery can be done on an outpatient basis and does not require a long hospital stay. The patient is in and out of surgery. Since this type of surgery is not open and invasive, there are fewer risks associated with the treatment of gallbladder polyps. Complications, such as a blocked bile duct can also be greatly reduced.

Open surgery for the treatment of gallbladder polyps is an option and some doctors may require this be done due in part to the type and severity of the polyps. If a patient has had scar tissue from previous surgeries, open surgery is necessary. Open surgery may also be recommended if the patient has suffered from a blocked bile duct in the past or had severe infection resulting in bile duct disease.

Whatever you decide, there are options and your medical health professional will assist you in making the decision that is right for you. Remember that if you have been diagnosed with gallbladder polyps you still have a choice in your care and outcome.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.