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Foods That Help with Osteoporosis Treatment

Osteoporosis Treatment

  • Osteoporosis occurs when your bones lose many of the important minerals needed they needed.
  • Although there are some ways to treat osteoporosis, prevention is the best choice.

One of the most serious health problems facing men and women is osteoporosis. The good news is that by adding some foods to your diet you can actually prevent osteoporosis.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis occurs when your bones lose many of the important minerals needed they needed. When you’re talking about osteoporosis bone density is the key problem. As you lose these minerals, the density of your bones is reduced. Low density bones become more brittle and weaker which means even a mild strain on them can cause fractures. As you get older, the risk of these fractures can increase, especially in women. After menopause, the density of a woman’s bones drops dramatically.

Osteoporosis Treatment

If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis already, you can deal with the problem by taking medications, such as synthetic hormones and bisphosphonates, which can help rebuild your bones by replacing lost minerals. Other medications are also available that can slow the progress of osteoporosis. However, the condition can be very painful and can still lead to serious fractures.

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis

Although there are some ways to treat osteoporosis, prevention is the best choice. You can stop the development of this condition by ensuring that your body has enough of the vital nutrients and minerals needed to keep making strong bones. That means you need to consume sufficient amounts of calcium and Vitamin D.

Obviously, one way for you to get enough of these nutrients is to consume high levels of dairy products. You should have at least three servings of dairy products, such as milk and cheese, each day. If you have problem dairy items, try yogurt which is easier to digest. But if you just can’t tolerate dairy products, you can take calcium supplements instead.

Besides dairy, you should also eat a balanced array of other foods that contain nutrients you need for good bone health. These foods include 3 to 4 cups of vegetables, such as leafy greens which are also high in calcium. You should also drink at least eight glasses of water daily. While water is the best choice, you can also have other types of beverages that contain no sugar.

Certain types of oils, such as canola or flax seed oils, should be consumed daily as well. Four to five servings of lean meats, including fish, are also important. You should also include plenty of whole grains and fruits so you are getting plenty of nutrients that will not only help keep your bones strong but will also ensure your overall good health.

Of course, there are other steps you can take to prevent osteoporosis. Exercise is one of the other important ways to reduce your risks of having problems with your bone density. A combination of weight-bearing exercises, such as running, and strength training are ideal for increasing the strength of your bones.

Not smoking and drinking only limited amounts of alcohol are also good ideas. Smoking is believed to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body which can inhibit bone growth, and alcohol interferes with calcium absorption.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.