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Foods That Help With Bad Blood Circulation

Bad Blood Circulation

  • Eating a balanced diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle can have a profound effect on improving the circulation of blood in your body.
  • A balanced and healthy diet is the cornerstone of good health.
  • While you are considering circulation, there are a number of different foods you can include in your diet to help to promote a healthy circulation system.

Good circulation helps to ensure that your body stays healthy, and that it can heal well, and function properly and efficiently during your daily activities. Eating a balanced diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle can have a profound effect on improving the circulation of blood in your body. If you can combine good diet with a program of exercise, you can greatly reduce the risk of circulatory disorders. What we eat is hugely influential to our general health and well being. A balanced and healthy diet is the cornerstone of good health. While you are considering circulation, there are a number of different foods you can include in your diet to help to promote a healthy circulation system.

There are medications and dietary supplements that can help to improve poor circulation. These include the supplement ginkgo biloba which can be taken in a number of forms, including as a tablet, or as an ingredient in tea or an infusion. Blood circulation can be improved by choosing to eat a variety of foods that can have a positive effect. The following foods contain elements that can improve blood circulation.

1. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E. Scientific studies have shown that vitamin E can help lessen the stickiness of blood. This has the effect of reducing the risk of blood clots forming, which in itself will reduce the risk of and heart attack.

2. Oranges

Oranges contain healthy amounts of bioflavonoids and vitamin C. These substances help blood flow in your body because they strengthen your capillary walls. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help to negate the effects of free radicals within the body which are known to be responsible for some serious conditions such as some forms of cancer, and also contribute to cell damage and the aging process.

3. Nuts

Nuts contain a substance called niacin, better known as vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 is an important nutrient which in essence gives your blood a boost. Vitamin B3 is an important food constituent that can help to prevent blood circulation problems.

4. Watermelon

Watermelons have healthy amounts of a substance known as lycopene. Lycopene can help to prevent the buildup of plaque in blood vessels which can interfere with, or even block blood circulation. It is therefore an ideal food to promote healthy arteries and will help to ensure good blood circulation.

5. Garlic

Garlic has many health benefits, including improving blood circulation. Garlic can help to thin blood and will also help to prevent the build-up of plaque in blood vessels, and in some cases, it may actually reduce plaque in the arteries as well.

The following general dietary advice may also help you improve your circulation:

1. Decrease your intake of saturated fats (found in foods such as red meat, cheese and cream).

2. Increase your intake of vegetables, as they are particularly beneficial for circulation and heart health.

3. Also increase your intake of fresh fruit, especially berries and plums.

4. Eat plenty of foods that are rich in vitamins A, C and E.

5. Add ingredients to food that will help improve circulation, including fennel, ginger, beetroot, cayenne and watercress.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Foods That Help With Bad Blood Circulation”

  1. 1
    Yasmine Says:
    I do eat pretty much all of these foods already, but my feet are still cold most of the time. Is there anything else I can do or eat that is not mentioned here?
  2. 2
    Yasmine Says:
    I do eat pretty much all of these foods already, but my feet are still cold most of the time. Is there anything else I can do or eat that is not mentioned here?