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Fish Oil for Blood Thinning

Fish Oil

  • Natural blood thinners work to improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clot formation
  • One such natural blood thinner is fish oil. Fish oil is known for its omega-3 fatty acids and is taken to improve heart
  • If you think you may need blood thinning medication or supplements contact your doctor

Natural blood thinners can be a good way to assist your body with blood flow. Blood thinning can improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots forming. This in turn can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack as well as many other cardiovascular conditions.

In addition, natural blood thinners may be advantageous as the long term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (known as “NSAIDs”) and aspirin can be harmful to your health.

Natural blood thinners are not drugs but are substances which occur naturally in plants and animals. Natural blood thinners can mimic the beneficial effects of aspirin, but do not cause any of the negative side effects. Aspirin operates by reducing the clotting properties of blood, the effect of which is to thin the blood. This allows the blood to flow more easily. As a result, low doses of aspirin may be given to recent victims of a heart attack in order to help prevent a further heart attack.

However scientific research has shown that the body can develop a natural resistance to the effects of aspirin over time, and this can lessen or cancel out the benefits.

Fortunately, there are natural blood thinners that can be just as effective if not more so in reducing inflammation and contributing to the efficiency and ease of blood flow through the body. The best part is they have none of the side effects of blood thinner drugs like aspirin and NSAIDs. Also, continued use of aspirin may cause side effects such as stomach bleeding, tinnitus and gastrointestinal ulcers. These side effects are more common with higher doses.

Role of Fish Oil as a Natural Blood Thinner

Fish oils are well known for their health giving properties. In particular, omega 3 fatty acids are often taken in order to improve heart health. Nutritionists and health professionals have recommended Omega 3 fatty acids for years, and fish oil has probably been the most popularly recommended source.

Fish oil contains two substances that can be of therapeutic benefit, namely DHA and EPA. These are two fatty acids which among all the fatty acids, are the most easily absorbed by your body. They are more readily absorbed than other sources of healthy fats such as the ALA in flax seed oil. DHA and EPA are known to help reduce any inflammation in the blood, and they also have many other heart health benefits. Good sources of omega 3 fatty acids include fish such as herring, salmon, trout, mackerel, anchovies and albacore tuna.

If you think you might need blood thinning medication or supplements, the safest course is to contact your doctor or health care professional. If you are already receiving prescription medication to thin your blood and/or to prevent clotting (known as anticoagulant drugs) you should exercise caution to ensure that you do not ingest to many food types or supplements that contain substances that possess natural blood thinning properties.

Ideally, blood coagulation within your body should be within a healthy range. If your blood coagulates too readily, blood clots are more likely to form, leading to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. If blood does not clot readily enough, conditions such as nosebleeds, hematuria (which causes blood in the urine), hemorrhages and heavy periods in women may occur.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Fish Oil for Blood Thinning”

  1. 1
    Mary Says:
    I always knew fish oil could be beneficial in a lot of ways. I had no idea about this one though, so thank you!
  2. 2
    Niles Says:
    Can thinning your blood be dangerous at all? Is it not recommended under any circumstances, or is it good all the way around?