Eliminating Supplement Confusion: New Online Guide by Vestcom
Just walk into any natural health store, pharmacy, grocery store or even your local corner retailer and you will be surrounded by a pantheon of vitamin and supplement choices. Each one touts their particular benefit and announces that you must take this one to be healthy. The average consumer experiences and ebb and flow of what is the must-have supplement of the moment, which kicks into gear the fad supplement concept and way too many bottles and jars in the cupboard. There may finally be an assistance for all of us that experience supplement confusion: the new online guide by Vestcom.

About 74% of we supplement shoppers have expressed an interest in having more details at the store shelf when shopping for supplements. Over half (58%) have experienced confusion by the information supplied on the supplement on vitamin packaging. Vestcom has launched a comprehensive education program, in-store, that is shopper-friendly and designed to support and assist this consumer demand for information on supplements, vitamins, and minerals as it relates to our health. What’s even more brilliant is that the information is evidence-based, so no matter what the packaging claims, the health information on the shelf will address a variety of the most common health concerns. These will include glucose, heart, bone and joint health. The vitaAisles project is one of the best way to manage and confirm product and health information that are top of mind for the consumer, while opening an path for the retailer to encourage the engagement of the shopper.
Credibility of vitamin and supplement claims have come under some heavy scrutiny over the last number of years. A majority of the supplement manufacturers have products that are scientifically based, with realistic and proven claims. However, there are a few unscrupulous manufacturers that crossed the line with their claims. This has made consumers a bit skiddish about what to believe (or not). More recently, pharmaceutical companies made attempts to take advantage of the overstepping of boundaries to try to get laws passed so that supplements had to undergo the same rigors of testing as drugs. Since supplement manufacturers would not be set up for these longer term processes, guess who could step up to the plate to take over?
As consumers, we use every avenue to become educated and informed when it comes to supplements. The internet has become a mainstay for health and wellness research and this is the highest topic searched on the web, within all age groups. Armed with our information and data we can march into our natural health store and then we become overwhelmed. That’s where vitaAisles will come into play, bringing refreshing information to validate our search and reason for purchase. This information can also act as an assistant for the retailer, so they can interact with the customer in an educated way, offering a variety of solutions and answers and ending supplement confusion. I guess the only question left is, why didn’t anyone think of this before? The second question might be: when will this be available on the retailers mobile app?
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
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Wonder if they will have a mobile app that you can program for your health conditions and it will predict the kind of vitamins you need. That would be a great combination for shelf info.April 13th, 2013 at 10:57 pm
I can't wait to see this in my store. I am overwhelmed with choices and my cupboard is filled with supplements. Every week there is a new one that I am supposed to take and usually start out ok- then return to my multi-vitamin. It would be good to know what I need instead of what the marketing wants me to buy.April 12th, 2013 at 5:07 pm
I am a diabetic and I hope this includes drug interactions. There are a lot of things you can't take if you are on any kind of medicine, or you can but you have to lower the dosage. The people at my vitamin store don't have a clue, so I have to go online to research what is ok, before I think about buying anything.April 11th, 2013 at 11:25 am
This is going to be great for pharmacies. Most pharmacists have information, but shy away from giving advice on supplements, except those that they have received alerts on.April 10th, 2013 at 11:57 pm