Do Home Remedies For Cold and Flu Really Work?
In recent years the American public has not only lost faith in the pharmaceutical companies, but has come to distrust them. The intense interest of pharmaceutical companies to enhance their income margins has created a situation where people are returning to more natural homeopathic alternatives to fight off colds. There is something to be said for Grandma’s cures, and American’s are looking for answers and results to the question: Do home remedies for cold and flu really work?

There are some common sense remedies that are based on science. Viruses thrive in dry weather, that’s why the winter months seem to have larger outbreaks of colds and flu. Adding moisture to the air or humidity can reduce the virus’ ability to grow. Antibiotics will kill bacteria but will not kill a virus. There are some remedies that will ease the symptoms of a cold or flu but you still have to go through the process: saline nasal sprays and salt gargles can reduce throat irritation and nasal congestion, good old fashioned chicken soup acts as both an anti-inflammatory and speeds up the movement of mucus in the membranes. Drinking plenty of fluids assists in flushing the body and keeping the body hydrated. This is a requirement when there is a possibility of fever. And, of course, plenty of bed rest and healthy food allows the body to heal.
There has been an increased interest in both zinc and Echinacea as a pre and post cold alternative medicine. The medical institutions have conducted studies on zinc with the results varying to a fifty fifty ratio of success. Echinacea is actually a powerful natural antibacterial agent. Many people swear by the positive results. It is available in pill form for oral intake as well as tincture form as a throat spray. It is important to note that not all natural medicines are alike. Many of the over the counter cheaper versions have less of the active ingredient and are not manufactured in the United States. They are therefore not governed with the higher quality manufacturing standards. Garlic is a known antibiotic, antifungal and anti-parasitic. Used for centuries, it is best used in raw form and it can assist in combating cold and flu symptoms as well as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol counts. Many people have researched the question : Do home remedies for cold and flu really work, and have had some excellent results in shortening the duration of their colds with natural or homeopathic products.
One of the effective homeopathic remedies that has been produced, with the great rate of success is Reme-Flu. Using a two step approach, Reme-Flu has a long and successful track record in first administering a homeopathic formula blend via pill form, designed to treat general flu symptoms. The second step is a proprietary blend in liquid form, designed to focus on the respiratory system and speeds through the system through enhanced cellular absorption. The main approach is that the combination of homeopathic ingredients stimulates the body’s natural healing processes.
Always check with your primary medical carrier before adding anything to your dietary regiment.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
One Response to “Do Home Remedies For Cold and Flu Really Work?” |
Yes! Of-course home remedies are effective against the flu. This is not the sort of thing that modern day medicine is good for (when you are talking sugery, then yes, our advanced medical system is great!). What home remedies does anyone here use against the flu?January 19th, 2011 at 6:11 am