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Connection between Caffeine and Weight Loss

  • Now there seems to be a connection between caffeine and weight loss success which means our relationship with this chemical is only going to get more complicated.
  • If you’re looking for foods that speed metabolism, consider chocolate which includes amounts of caffeine as well as other health beneficial ingredients.

Of all the chemicals we take into our bodies willing, the one with which we have the biggest “love-hate” relationship is probably caffeine. On the one hand, millions of us feeling unable to function without a good helping of the stuff while at the same time we worry about what effects too much caffeine could be having on our hearts and nervous system. Now there seems to be a connection between caffeine and weight loss success which means our relationship with this chemical is only going to get more complicated.

Understanding Caffeine

Although we often think of caffeine as an unnatural substance, it actually does occur naturally. You’ll find it in leaves and seeds from a number of different types of plants, including the coffee plant. However, many of our products that are high in caffeine, such as soda or energy drinks, achieve those levels by adding caffeine artificially to them.

The effects caffeine has on the body are well-known. Like any stimulant, caffeine goes right for the nervous system and gives it a bit of zap to get us up and moving. After taking in caffeine, most people are more alert, in a better mood, and more energetic.

While a little caffeine can do wonders for you, too much can have some unpleasant consequences, including headaches, anxiety, sleeplessness, and dizziness. Over time, the more caffeine we consume the more we will need to get desirable effects because our body gets used to having the caffeine around. Additionally, if you’ve been a steady caffeine abuser, trying to break the habit can be a difficult task and many former caffeine users claim they experienced withdrawal symptoms.

Caffeine and Metabolism

When it comes to the question of caffeine and weight loss, most people suspect there is a positive relationship because research has shown that caffeine can increase metabolic rates, at least temporarily. Your metabolism controls how many calories you need to burn for energy. Higher rates are going to mean you’ll go through a lot more calories thus leaving fewer behind to turn into unwanted fat cells.

One study divided individuals into a group of people who used less than 300 mg of caffeine per day and a second group which used more than 300 mg of caffeine per day to determine whether or not green tea, which is high in caffeine, would have an impact on their metabolism and weight loss. For the group of people who used the higher levels of caffeine, weight loss numbers were also higher which suggested a connection between caffeine intake and increased metabolism. However, the group’s ability to maintain that weight loss was less. Some research suggests the reason may be that caffeine increases the production of stress hormones in the body which make it harder to keep weight off.

Other reasons why caffeine could result in temporary weight loss is that it acts as both a diuretic and an appetite suppressant. The former means you’ll urinate more and drop pounds thanks to reduced water retention. The latter means you may eat less at some points which might be made up for later.

If you’re looking for foods that speed metabolism, consider chocolate which includes natural amounts of caffeine as well as other health beneficial ingredients.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

8 Responses to “Connection between Caffeine and Weight Loss”

  1. 1
    Nadadia Says:
    For almost a year, I was consuming at least 4 cups of oolong tea (with meals), to assist with my metabolism and to hinder fat absorbtion. I eat healthy (around 900 - 1200 calories a day), and exercise at least 3 times a week to maintain my weight. I recently however decided to detox from all foods that contain 'toxins'. (including wheat, gluten, dairy, meat, caffine, etc). The first week was incredibly difficult - but only because of headaches from caffine withdrawls, but after they went away it was fine. Anyway, after my two week detox I decided to continue not consuming caffine because I realised how dependant my body had become. But, almost four weeks later, I have put on around 3kgs in weight. My diet/exercise remains unchanged, i think it is merely the lack of caffine. I cannot believe how quickly I have put this weight on. So to me, it seems that continued consumption of caffine maintains weight and weight losss, but when consumption stopps, weight gain occurs. Personally I find this strange, and I'm going to resume my oolong intake. hehe.
  2. 2
    Kelli Says:
    I was reading up about how caffeine can help with weight loss because so many diet pills contain caffeine these days. I admit that I was a coffee drinker for almost twenty years and through that time had ups and downs with my weight. What amazed me most is Mindy's comment above when she mentioned that her jaw would hurt. Two and a half years ago I quit drinking coffee and at the same time went on a natural diet of mostly fruits and vegetables. I noticed about a month in that my jaw, which had been aching for years from what I thought was TMJ, stopped hurting. I thought it was because of the healthier diet, but it hasn't hurt since even though my diet has changed. A coincidence? Hard to say, but something to keep in mind if you also suffer from jaw pain.
  3. 3
    mindy Says:
    I am so glad I gave up caffeine after 13 years, I was getting headaches and my jaw would hurt...My waistline was harder to get rid of and dieting was impossible! I was hungry all of the time and had hard time sleeping, I am sure other people are fine with caffeine intake I guess it all depends on the individual...I am finally free, and eating healthy foods for energy instead. Caffeine also cause adrenal fatigue also, it may burn callories but your killing your adrenals.
  4. 4
    lover454 Says:
    This article is so full of misconcetions. Caffeine, coffee definitely speeds up metabolism. I am skinny and have always been but ever since I added coffee I am even thinner and I looked up caffeine and coffee and caffeine speeds metabolism to burn calories. And as long as one keeps on drinking coffee they will burn calories.
  5. 5
    aina ikeoluwa Says:
    i have always coffee lover but stoped because i was affraid of the side effect but now i will resume the intake, thanks.
  6. 6
    Rose Says:
    I think drinking too much coffee won’t let you put on weight. My mom drinks coffee all the time and she has always been skinny
  7. 7
    Rose Says:
    I think drinking too much coffee won't let you put on weight. My mom drinks coffee all the time and she was always skinny
  8. 8
    addicted Says:
    Yeah, everyone needs to know his dose, for me I can drink coffee as much as I want. Looove it