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Common Powerful Herbs

By Kelley Scruby
There is power in herbal teas. These natural herbs and botanicals can relieve many different body ailments as they are naturally caffeine-free and full of essential vitamins and nutrients. Chamomile, a very common herbal tea, can remedy aches and pains, acid reflux, and of course can help calm you before bed. It actually helps to relax tension in your muscles. It has also been called “ground apple” because it grows low along the ground and smells and tastes similar to a sweet, honeyed apple. Cinnamon adds flavor to many teas or even just an apple fruit tisane. It warms your body as you drink it and can help fight off bacteria and viruses or be used as a digestive aid. Add a stick of cinnamon to your cup of tea to give it extra benefits and flavor.

Hibiscus can add a naturally sweet and tart flavor to herbal blends and is very high in vitamin C. It also helps with heart health and blood flow throughout your body.

However, mint is probably the most popular herb with over 210 different species. It can help with chest and nasal congestion, ease headaches and tension, soothestomach cramps, boost your energy, and be used as an antiseptic to help with toothaches and cavities.

Another common herb that adds great spice and warmth to your cup of tea is ginger. It renews circulation and cleanses your body, helps relieve nausea, calms you, and is excellent for heart health by lowering your cholesterol and stabilizing your blood pressure. An excellent harmonizing herbal blend is half ratio peppermint leaves to half ratio ginger root.

One last common herb that you may have never thought to try as an herbal tea is Thyme. It can strengthen your respiratory tract; help with infections inside and out, and even clear breakouts. Try an all-natural herbal remedy for what is ailing you today, but remember to always do your own research because every person’s body reacts differently.
Do You Tea has several tea blends this winter that contain these wonderful ingredients like Ginger Thaw which is a relaxing and detoxing blend of white tea leaves, lemongrass, and ginger. Orange Spice is another blend which is very warming and contains black tea leaves, cinnamon, cloves, orange, and star anise. Go to www.doyoutea.com for more information.

Kelley Scruby is the owner of Do You Tea? in Hoboken, New Jersey. As the owner of a small, loose leaf tea business, Kelley is passionate about educating her customers on the benefits that come from drinking loose leaf tea. With a background at a major tea company, she was able to become an expert on the versatility of the beverage and is inspired in her own creations by the changing of the seasons and also desserts. Kelley created Do You Tea? with the confidence that she can help find a tea blend that works for any of her customers’ lifestyle and palate. As Do You Tea? continues to grow, Kelley hosts events and tastings that add a more interactive approach to the expansive world of loose leaf teas. Do You Tea? hopes to have a truck out on the streets of the NYC metro area soon! You are able to purchase her seasonal blends and gift sets online at www.doyoutea.com and follow her on instagram and twitter @doyoutea for updates on tastings and new blends. Please email requests and questions to doyoutea@gmail.com.

Source: “20,000 Secrets of Tea”, Victoria Zak, Dell Publishing, 1999.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.