Colds and flu and the big vitamin C myth – path 2
Harri Hemilä, an Author-Professor, claims that it makes no sense to take vitamin C every single day of your life to reduce the chance of getting a cold or flu. Nevertheless, as we said earlier, the use of vitamin C could be justified if the person has a severe cold or flu, or certain physical stresses. In addition, one study gives strong evidence that a taking large dose of vitamin C when the cold or flu just starts could be of benefit. However, there is more research required to confirm these results.

The recommended dose of vitamin C currently allowed is only 60mg, but a registered British Dietetic Association dietician, Catherine Collens, says that the optimum amount of vitamin C should be 200mg per day, because it has been proven to help our immune system. She said that this amount could be easily obtained by most people just by eating five portions of vegetables and fruit on a daily basis. However, if you eat too much vitamin C, it will not be absorbed into the body, and, thus, will be removed.
Ms Collins said that even though infection-fighting white blood cells have been found to use vitamin C, there is simply not enough evidence to suggest that it also helps prevent colds and flu. She said that it sounds biologically feasible to most people, since vitamin C strengthens the immune system. However, there is not enough proof that vitamin C prevents an illness from occurring.
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No Responses to “Colds and flu and the big vitamin C myth – path 2” |
If vitamin C is not as important for the immune system are are told, then what should the person who actively supplements their diet with this vitamin take as a replacement? Vitamin D? What is the best thing for the immunity?January 18th, 2011 at 8:08 am