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Can animals get the bird flu?

The bird flu, also called the avian flu and/or the H5N1 virus, originates in birds and is most prevalent in bird populations in Africa and Asia. Bird species carry the virus in their intestines and spread it from their saliva, urine, fecal matter and nasal secretions. Wild birds typically do not get sick while infected. Domestic birds such as chickens and turkey get very sick and usually die.

Bird Flu In Animals

Bird flu in animals and humans is possible and there have been many cases of bird flu in animals in many parts of the world. Other avian flu facts include the fact that the few human infections that have occurred have all been severe, with most resulting in death. Unlike seasonal cases of the flu that cause mild symptoms. Bird flu treatment includes an H5N1 vaccine that has been approved by the FDA as well as normal precautionary measures taken to battle against other types of flu such as simple hand washing.

Bird flu in animals is much more common than in humans. Avian flu facts, as reported by the CDC, state that humans can be infected by direct contact with an infected bird. The only confirmed cases of human infection have taken place in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. The first human infection was in 1997 in Hong Kong.

There has been a recent spike of bird flu in animals such as dogs and cats in Southeast Asia. Pigs, tigers, and other large cats such as leopards can also be infected with the disease. Currently, there is no evidence that animals other than birds can spread the disease to humans. Also, there are more bird flu treatment options being studied such as antiviral treatments.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Can animals get the bird flu?”

  1. 1
    ethan Says:
    i was aware of this thing that bird flu can happen to your pets like cat and dogs..so for that i am using the pigeon deterrent spike..as pigeons are the most common source of generating these diseases to your pets...