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Blood Thinning Process

Blood Thinning

  • Clotting, also known as coagulation, is a process resulting in clot formation. These vein and artery blockages can lead to many serious consequences. Hypercoagulation is excessive blood clotting and anticoagulants, or blood thinners, can slow this process
  • Natural blood thinners are effective and readily available. Thinning of blood can: improve circulation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • These natural blood thinners are found in many plant and animal sources. Some examples are: garlic, fish oils loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and foods rich in vitamin E

Clotting, also known as coagulation, is the process in which a liquid is converted to a solid. It is a term also particularly associated with blood. There are many different substances with properties that prevent the blood from clotting by thinning it. These are known as anticoagulants. They work by reducing the aggregation of blood platelets, which reduces coagulation and hypercoagulation.

Coagulation is a natural body process that helps the body repair itself after injury by stopping or slowing blood loss. It involves proteins in the blood that interact with particles known as platelets. This process of coagulation forms a blood clot. A blood clot can become dangerous, however, if it begins to move through the vascular system. This can lead to an embolism, or blockage of a blood vessel in another part of the body. Heart attack and stroke are serious consequences associated with traveling blood clots.

Hypercoagulation is excessive blood clotting. Anticoagulants or blood thinners are substances that can be ingested to slow down this process.

Natural blood thinners are readily available and can be very effective in improving blood flow. Thinning the blood can improve circulation and may reduce the risks posed by the formation of blood clots. Consequently, the associated risks of heart attack and stroke may also be reduced, as well as the risk of many other vascular conditions and diseases.

Since long-term use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be harmful to your health, natural blood thinners present an additional attraction.

Substances used as natural blood-thinning agents are found in many plant and animal sources. The beneficial effects of natural blood thinners can be similar to those of aspirin, but they are far less likely to incur the associated negative side effects.

Aspirin reduces the body’s tendency to form blood clots. This has the effect of thinning the blood, allowing it to flow more freely. Aspirin does this relatively quickly, making it a suitable medication for recent heart attack victims by helping to prevent future attacks; however, some scientific studies have shown that over time the body may develop a natural resistance to these effects, thus nullifying its potential benefits. Also, long-term aspirin use may cause symptoms such as tinnitus, stomach bleeding and gastrointestinal ulcers. Side effects such as these are more common with excessively high aspirin doses.

Natural blood thinners can be just as effective as aspirin, if not more, in reducing inflammation within blood vessels, which would effectively contribute to the ease and efficiency of blood flow throughout the body. Natural blood thinners also do not incur the negative side effects of many drug-based blood thinners such as aspirin. Examples of natural blood thinners include garlic, fish oils loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, and foods rich in vitamin E.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Blood Thinning Process”

  1. 1
    abraham d Says:
    you are doing a good job. It will be nice if you answer some questions. For example, my question is what vegetables have vitamin E.
  2. 2
    Chuck Says:
    The natural blood thinners you mentioned here are also great for other aspects of your health. Are there any other examples of natural blood thinners that weren't mentioned? I'm on an aspirin regimen but if there was something I could substitute it with with my doctor's blessing I would gladly do it.