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Blood Clot Prevention During Pregnancy – Updated Article With Extra Information.

A pregnant woman undergoes a lot of changes. These changes can be physical and hormonal too. One of the biggest risk during pregnancy is that of blood clot formation. are a big fear for women. When blood starts to thicken, it stops flowing normally and it instead travels to the lungs. This condition is known as ‘Pulmonary Thrombosis’. Another similar condition known as ‘Deep Vein Thrombosis’ occurs when blood clots start forming in the deep veins of leg or pelvic area. In some cases it is very minor and so it can easily be cured by using a blood thinning medicine prescribed by a doctor, but in other cases it can be pretty serious and if neglected can also be life threatening. One can at least try and avoid blood clots in pregnancy by taking note of these simple precautionary measures:

Its very important to keep a check on your weight during pregnancy. Obesity can result in blood clot formation. If you think that you’re overweight, consult your doctor immediately. An obese person has a higher chance of developing this formation.

*Be Active And Avoid Long Drives:
Research shows that pregnant women should not sit in one position for a long time. They should be active. Therfore,it is advised to avoid long drives during pregnancy. On the other hand, if it is unavoidable then make sure that you keep changing your position regularly. Due to the risk of blood clots in pregnancy, long jouneys are perhaps best avoided.

*Age Factor:
There is a higher chance of a blood clot formation in pregnant women who are over 40 years of age. This is one of the many reasons why women over 40 are advised not to conceive by experts. So if you’re above 40, you need to pay special attention to this issue.

*Family History:
One should be well aware of the family history. If you know that this formation is hereditary, let your doctor know before hand.

If you’re pregnant and you’re suffering from diseases like diabetes, strokes or heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, metabolic syndrome and vacuities, there is a huge risk of blood clot formation. Again, it should be your top most priority to let your doctor know if you’re suffering from any of those conditions.

Excessive smoking is also one of the reasons for this formation. As soon as you find out that you’ve conceived, you must quit smoking.

*Avoid Medicines Which Contain Estrogen:
It is strongly recommended to quit using medicines which contain the female hormone estrogen because this can lead to serious blood clots.

Having a baby is the dream of many a woman. A pregnant woman should keep a close check on the above mentioned risks so that she is able to deliver a healthy baby without risking her own life.

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For the original article, go to, click here.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Blood Clot Prevention During Pregnancy – Updated Article With Extra Information.”

  1. 1
    Anne-Marie Says:
    Why does this article specifically target pregnant women? Is it because they are more susceptible to getting blood clots? I've just found out I'm pregnant and I'm overweight - so, am I in a high-risk group?
  2. 2
    Anne-Marie Says:
    Why does this article specifically target pregnant women? Is it because they are more susceptible to getting blood clots? I've just found out I'm pregnant and I'm overweight - so, am I in a high-risk group?