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Bladder Dysfunction Leads To Urinary Frequency

Bladder Dysfunction

  • Bacteria, sex, and other causes can lead to bladder dysfunction
  • Dysfunction can cause an increase in urinary frequency or urinary incontinence
  • In severe cases, may be required to correct the problem

Bladder dysfunction arises when there is a blockage or delay in the transmission of signals from the central nervous system which control the bladder and muscle surrounding the bladder opening. This controls the accumulation and flow of urine. It is this muscle, known as the sphincter, which gives one control over urination.

Disorders of the bladder are many and symptoms may include high urinary frequency, discomfort when urinating such as a burning sensation, and the presence of blood or bacteria in the urine. These symptoms indicate a urinary tract infection. This discussion focuses on bladder disorders and possible treatment strategies.

Causes of Bladder Dysfunction

Bacteria found in the digestive tract may cause bladder disorders. Sexual intercourse could also cause cystitis though one doesn’t have to be active sexually to develop it. Women are more likely to develop this because the urethra is situated close to the anus and the distance between the urethral opening and bladder is short.

Urinary Incontinence

This refers to loss of bladder control which involves bladder muscles being too weak or too active. Loss of bladder control manifests more typically with age, commonly occurring in women over 50 years. When bladder muscles are weak, activities such as laughing, coughing, sneezing or carrying a heavy object causes leakage of urine. When bladder muscles are too active, you experience high urinary frequency even when the bladder has little urine.

The condition, if chronic, may be caused by a variety of factors including nervous disorders, injuries related to the brain or spinal cord, pelvic muscle weakness, defects associated with birth, blockage of the urethra, and weakness in the bladder muscles. Some diseases such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and diabetes can also cause the condition. In some cases the condition is temporary and is caused by infections of the urinary tract, restricted mobility, childbirth, and side effects of certain medications.

Very weak or too active bladder muscles may be reflected in some leaking or wetting that cannot be controlled and can cause one quite some awkwardness. The fear of public embarrassment hinders many people who suffer this condition from interacting fully and appreciating time with family and friends. When it occurs during sexual activity, it causes great distress. Equally, it may create problems associated with personal hygiene which leads to emotional distress.


Antibiotics and other medications are usually used in the treatment of bladder disorders. Simple exercises as advised by your doctor which may include Kegel exercises and bladder training to strengthen bladder muscles can help. In some cases, surgery such as bladder suspension surgery can be undertaken to correct the condition. This procedure basically involves suspending the bladder to prevent uncontrolled leakages of urine.

Managing the diet can have a positive impact on the overall condition of bladder functioning. It is recommended that one maintains intake of the recommended 6-8 glasses of water daily which is important not only for the health of the urinary system but for overall body health. Reducing on your intake of fluids as a measure to control bladder problems is ill-advised. Other treatment strategies involve use of a catheter, which is a very fine tube that can be inserted into the bladder to drain off urine.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Bladder Dysfunction Leads To Urinary Frequency”

  1. 1
    Steve Says:
    I have an inherited history of prostate problems, which I have only known about for a few years. For the longest time I thought it was just a weak bladder which caused my urinary incontinence, and it may just be. So now I am looking into prostate research, but this article is still helpful and I am going to save it for further reading. It doesn't hurt to get as much info as you can when it's your health in question. Thanks.