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Best Performing Alternative Energy Funds

Renewable energy stocks and funds seem to have a sunny future these days. What was just a fringe investment strategy just a few years ago is now a major player that touts some serious economic clout. Green investing is now a $77 billion industry and is estimated to grow to as much as $255 billion within a decade.

Some of the best performing alternative energy funds include the Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund, the Power Shares WilderHill Clean Energy Fund and the list goes on and on. Green investing has exploded because topics such as global warming are now legitimate issues in the minds of top scientists and political power players. Fear and greed have always driven the market, and now the public fear of a planet falling apart has driven the best performing alternative energy funds to astronomical returns. Another reason has been skyrocketing oil and gas prices that show no signs of dipping any time soon.

Oil has powered the world for the last 100 years but is seen as a finite resource that will soon be gone. Renewable energy stocks and alternative energy funds are by default forward thinking companies because they are focusing on what is going to fuel the world for the next 100 years. Renewable energy stocks and alternative energy funds focus on wind, solar, biomass, hydropower and geothermal sources of energy. If you're thinking about investing money into some of the best performing alternative energy funds, talk to a green investing professional before making a move.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Best Performing Alternative Energy Funds”

  1. 1
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  2. 2
    Nathan Says:
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