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Alternative Fuel Cars to Save Troubled Big Three: Ford, GM and Chrysler

Many are saying that the big three automotive companies brought their financial woes onto themselves. For too long the auto industry in Detroit has been building large vehicles that guzzle gas with no thought of pollution. The ‘cash cow’ cars were reapinf major profits even though alternate fuel sources like hydrogen fuel and others were available for consideration and other countries were in production of  hybrid electric cars. Instead of turning to more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles, the troubled big three car companies refused to realize that change is inevitable and continued to operate with their blinders set in place.
When the financial world came crashing down, we all saw the CEO’s of the automotive industry standing in Washington, D.C. with their heads bowed, as they asked for bail-out money. Like children that played too long on the playground, they tried to explain the squandering of millions of dollars and the lack of direction to focus on anything but immediate profit gratification. When the credit and financial crisis hit another problem began to rise as it became impossible for anyone to get a loan if they didn’t have a perfect credit score. This has meant hundreds of dealerships closed and tens of thousands of auto workers, dealership workers, and suppliers out of business and unemployed. The big three auto makers had to close plants and lay off workers.

However, as children that may have learned their lesson, Chrysler, GM and Ford have finally changed their direction and, alternative fuel cars may be the answer to the  company troubles. Supply and demand governs production, and as the cost of gasoline continues to rise, the American public is actively seeking answers from the automotive world that will reduce costs. One might say ‘too little, too late’ for those dealerships that closed, but, at the end of the day, the survivors are making the changes that were needed to move forward.
Alternative fuel vehicles are what the three biggest troubled automakers need. Revising the way they design and build cars, as well as incorporating more clean air technology and alternative sources of energy into the cars of the future, is boosting the car makers need to completely change their public image and their bottom line both.  There are a lot of advancements that have been made and none too soon. A few years ago, one would have to go to a specialty car dealership to find any kind of choice for a hybrid vehicle. This has changed dramatically, as almost every car dealer is promoting their hybrid cars.

While the average citizen might want a hybrid car, some have remained skeptical. This is changing as major corporations are buying into the idea of replacing their existing fleets with hybrid alternatives. It has become part of the ‘path of going green’ for many companies and they are realizing that the public support is good for business. It is also becoming very common for County and State fleets to be replaced by hybrid vehicles. Again, supply and demand is dictating the direction, and the direction is full-steam-ahead.

There is still a lot of research that needs to continue in the advance of whether we go electric or choose an alternative fuel as a source for our hybrids. The best choice might be to actually have that choice and make both available. Additional alternative fuels and the manufacturing plants need to be researched and built. This will lower the overall costs associated with alternative fuels.

As the economy continues to improve, the financial institutions will loosen their grip on loans for the general public and this will continue to boost hybrid car sales.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

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    Shrody Says:
    Do the hybrid cars have to look so moronic? Why cant they just have a good looking car with different internal functions than a normal one would have? Seriously. just because star wars etc movies depict vehicles of future a certain way doesnt mean u have to go with the theme in reality.
  20. 20
    Shrody Says:
    Do the hybrid cars have to look so moronic? Why cant they just have a good looking car with different internal functions than a normal one would have? Seriously. just because star wars etc movies depict vehicles of future a certain way doesnt mean u have to go with the theme in reality.
  21. 21
    brody Says:
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  22. 22
    brody Says:
    While alternative fuel cars are great for the environement, whose got the money to buy them? The refund the government offers is not enough to make an investment into one of these cars worth while.