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All You Wanted to Know About Healthy Glucose Levels

Healthy Glucose Levels

  • Glucose is the energy form preferred by your body to function and operate as needed. When you eat carbohydrates they are broken down by your body in a process called catabolism into their simplest form, called glucose.
  • Glucose is essential to your body, but it’s important to pay attention to the glucose (blood sugar) level because too much or too little can cause serious medical conditions, some that may even become life threatening.

You may find yourself wondering about glucose, but are not sure where to look to find out about this substance. Glucose is the energy form preferred by your body to function and operate as needed. When you eat carbohydrates they are broken down by your body in a process called catabolism into their simplest form, called glucose. Glucose is used by your body for all of its energy needs, such as movement, breathing and simple life processes and functions such as blinking.

Glucose is essential to your body, but it’s important to pay attention to the glucose (blood sugar) level because too much or too little can cause serious medical conditions, some that may even become life threatening. Most of the glucose your body needs is received through eating carbohydrates, which contain both and starch.

When you such foods as pasta or potatoes, you are eating carbohydrates. Once these foods have been ingested, the enzymes and bile contributed by your gallbladder break down the starch and sugar in carbohydrates into their smallest unit glucose. The glucose is then sent into the small intestine where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. Once the glucose is in your blood, it meets with the insulin made by your pancreas. These two chemicals combine and enter the brain and muscle cells, making it possible to move and think. If your body has an over abundance of glucose, the extra is stored in your liver in a form called glycogen. This allows your body to access and absorb the glucose as needed, keeping the excess amounts out of your bloodstream.

The level of glucose in your blood is critical and should always be stable. Increasing the level of insulin released by your pancreas is another way to keep your blood glucose level balanced. Sometimes your body may have a problem with one of these processes. This can lead to a medical problem. One of these possible conditions is diabetes, which results from too much glucose in the blood and not enough insulin.

If you develop diabetes, medical treatment and supervision are important. Sometimes this problem can be regulated and controlled with dietary changes alone, by carefully watching what you eat and keeping your carbohydrates low, but other situations may call for you to give yourself insulin injections in order to control your blood glucose level.

Besides food, some other factors can raise or lower your blood glucose level. When your body is under stress, it releases hormones that can increase your blood glucose level. Being sick can also increase the level of glucose in the blood, because the body releases extra hormones and glucose in response to being ill. Exercise will also have this effect if you have type 1 diabetes. If you are female, having your period can also cause your body to release too much glucose into your bloodstream.

Other factors can lower your blood glucose level. Insulin will do this. In diabetics, injected insulin will work in the same way as the insulin released by your pancreas. Extensive exercise will also cause the blood glucose level to drop. Drinking alcohol should be avoided if you have problems regulating your blood glucose level because alcohol will lower this level. Sometimes, in certain women, the menstrual cycle may also be a time when the blood glucose level is lowered.

When you need to regulate your blood sugar, you can try Cinnergen solution. Cinnergen supplement is used as a natural method to provide the nutrients you need to keep your blood sugar under control. The supplement works because of the ingredients used, and can help you lower your blood sugar and increase your insulin efficiency. All of the herbs and foods in this nutritional supplement are full of healthy and nutritious compounds.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.