7 Reasons to Love Lavender
Lavender might not exactly be the first thing you think to add to your cup of tea, but these tiny, lovely purple floral buds pack a punch. With over 28 different varieties in the world, it isn’t too hard to find some and each type has most of the same benefits, but also some of their own as well.

1) It smells great. Smelling any type of floral reminds me of spring and that it can’t stay away forever! It is commonly used as a perfume, but smells just as wonderful growing in a garden.
2) It is a natural bug repellent. Drink a cup of lavender tea to ward off biting mosquitos, store some dried buds in a sachet in linens or dressers to keep away moths, or use it as a hair rinse to rid the scalp of lice.
3) It helps calm the nerves and ease anxiety. This is great during or after a stressful day at work, or just to ease any anxious feelings you may be having.
4) It relieves tension headaches. Takes the edge and pressure away from those painful aches.
5) Antiseptic and antibacterial, it cleanses your body inside and out fighting off viruses and other illnesses.
6) Use in water for facial steams or baths. Using it in hot water cleanses the air as it steams and also cleans your skin, while simultaneously boosting your mood.
7) It is easy to grow. Now is the time of year for lavender. If you have space in your yard or even on a windowsill, this is an herb that you can buy already blooming or grow easily from seeds.
This spring, Do You Tea has brought back Earl Grey Lavender to the line-up, a delicious twist on the classic tea. Sunset is another favorite that Do You Tea carries year-round and it contains Silver Needle white tea, chamomile, and lavender.
Herb Gardening magazine. 2013. Meredith Specials.
20,000 Secrets of Tea. Victoria Zak. 1999. Dell Publishing.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.