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7 Herbs for Natural Cholecystitis Treatment

  • Many people desire a natural means to cholecystitis treatment. By adding herbs to your cholecystitis diet you can work wonders to your system and prevent the onset of many complications
  • Natural herbs can be added to your diet to prevent the onset of both acalculus cholecystitis and calculous cholecystitis
  • Acute cholecystitis can occur when patients ignore the ramifications of eating a normal diet or diet that does not emphasize the special needs required when undergoing cholecystitis treatment
  • Emphysematous cholecystitis is another risk that can occur when special dietary needs are ignored

Below is a list of 7 herbs recommended for the natural treatment of cholecystitis:

1. Dandelion

Drinking approximately 125 ml of dandelion juice daily can prevent acute cholecystitis symptoms from occurring. In the event that a patient experiences acalculus cholecystitis and associated symptoms, dandelion juice mixed with watercress can prove to be beneficial.

2. Chicory

Chicory seeds, roots and flowers can be ground and consumed as a juice. This juice is good for the liver and other organs associated with the secretion of bile. A patient undergoing cholecystitis treatment should drink chicory daily.

3. Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is a highly effective natural remedy for cholecystitis treatment. If you experience calculous cholecystitis it is recommended that your cholecystitis diet include fibrous material that keeps your digestive tract moving. Black seed oil may cause highly loose stools but if taken in moderation can provide the desired effect and cleansing needed.

4. Hemp

By adding approximately two teaspoons or dessert spoonfuls to your cholecystitis diet you can naturally provide yourself with a highly effective cholecystitis treatment from the comforts of your own home. If you have been diagnosed with or experienced symptoms accompanied with emphysematous cholecystitis, hemp can be beneficial to add to your diet and reduces the risk of acquiring other problems like acalculus cholecystitis.


Natural olive oil that is raw and unrefined has been proven effective in the natural remedies of acute cholecystitis. Approximately 30 ml of olive oil should be taken upon waking in the morning. You may choose to immediately follow the olive oil with about 100 ml of lemon juice or grapefruit juice. This morning cocktail should be taken every morning for weeks if necessary to eliminate waste and provide successful cholecystitis treatment. The oil can also lessen the likelihood of calculous cholecystitis.

6. Raw Beetroot Juice

Raw beet root juice cleanses the system and is great when a patient has experienced gallbladder polyps or stones. Drinking approximately 100 ml of beet juice twice daily will help to eliminate the possibilities of developing emphysematous cholecystitis. Beet juice provides an effective and natural cholecystitis treatment. Beet juice can be used as a preventive measure as well.

7. Lecethin Granuals

By adding approximately two teaspoons or dessert spoonfuls of lecithin granuals to your cholecystitis diet you can naturally provide yourself with a highly effective cholecystitis treatment from the comforts of your own home. If you have been diagnosed with or experienced symptoms accompanied with emphysematous cholecystitis, lecethin can be beneficial to add to your diet and may reduce the risk of acquiring other problems like acalculus cholecystitis.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “7 Herbs for Natural Cholecystitis Treatment”

  1. 1
    Mojdeh Says:
    What exactly are the symptoms of cholesystitis? How can one get it? I've looked this up because I heard something about it on TV, but I'm still confused as to what it is.