7 Facts about the Sunscreen Cancer Manufacturers Do Not Want You to Know
As most people are aware, over-exposure to a significant dose of UV radiation results in sunburn. Sunburn increases the risk of getting wrinkles, and, worst of all, skin cancer. It has also been found that lying in the sun and tanning bed use may lead to long-term skin damage, if you do it over several years. So, we just slap on some sunscreen and think that it makes it all OK. But does it really? Let’s look at what your skin really absorbs when you put on some mainstream chemical sunscreen.

– Chemical sunscreens are designed to absorb only UVB radiation; so, unfortunately, they let practically all the UVA rays through. The UVA radiation goes deeper into the skin; it is also absorbed by melanocytes, which are involved in melanoma formation and melanin production. UVA rays have also been found to negatively affect the immune system.
– Drs. Cidric and Frank Garland, a couple of University of California doctors, who are the main opponents of chemical sunscreen use, claim that, even though sunscreens do prevent sunburn, no scientific proof exists that they can prevent basal cell carcinoma and melanoma in humans. These doctors strongly believe the widespread use of chemical sunscreens is a major cause of skin cancer. They also point out that those who use sunscreen will actually tend to stay out in the sun longer, exactly because they don’t get burnt, developing a false feeling of safety.
– Queensland was found to have an exceptionally high increase in melanoma, which is where the medical establishment vigorously promoted sunscreen use for a long time. As a result, Queensland now has more per capita cases of melanoma than anywhere else. On a global scale, the most significant increase in melanoma is found in countries, which have been heavily promoting chemical sunscreens.
– In California, Dr. Gordon Ainsleigh believes that sunscreen use leads to more cancer-related deaths than it prevents. He is one of the most important scientists who has researched into the sunscreen cancer link.
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The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
No Responses to “7 Facts about the Sunscreen Cancer Manufacturers Do Not Want You to Know” |
The article suggests that sunscreen use leads to increase deaths from cancer. But is that due to the cancerous properties of the cream, or the fact that we then spend much longer in the sun, or both?January 18th, 2011 at 8:09 am