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7 Answers: Why You Should Add Insoluble Fiber to Your Diet Plan

Insoluble Fiber

  • Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water so it can increase your feeling of fullness
  • Eating enough of this type of fiber can prevent constipation and the formation of diverticulitis
  • Studies show mixed results about the positive effects of insoluble fiber on colon cancer risk reduction

Nutritionists recommend consuming 14 grams of soluble and insoluble for every 1,000 calories you eat per day. Plenty of good reasons exist for eating soluble fiber but you can’t neglect the insoluble fiber. Below are some of the best reasons to eat more of this type of fiber.

1. May Prevent Colon Cancer

Many studies have been done on the importance of insoluble fiber in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. Unfortunately, the studies have delivered mixed results. Some studies do show a decrease in the risk but others show just the opposite. If you’re concerned about colon cancer, make sure to keep getting screened and don’t rely solely on eating more insoluble fiber foods.

2. Balance Acidity of Intestines

Eating sufficient quantities of insoluble fiber will also make sure the levels of acidity are properly balanced in your intestines. This is good because you want to maintain an environment in which the good bacteria will thrive and blossom.

3. Move Bulk Through Intestines

When you eat, you don’t want the food to stay in your intestines long. The longer it remains the more bloated you’ll feel. When you eat plenty of insoluble fiber foods, the bulk is moved through your intestines more quickly.

4. Prevent Constipation

High levels of fiber are going to keep things moving through your intestines, which is going to prevent you from getting constipated. If you want to stay regular, taking in enough fiber (of both kinds) is going to be the way to go. However, you do want to increase your levels slowly to prevent possible gastrointestinal distress.

5. Increase Feeling of Fullness

Because insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, it remains intake as it travels through your body. Much of the fiber is not digestible either. Both of these reasons mean that when you eat a lot of high insoluble fiber foods you’re going to feel as if you are full faster and for a longer time. That can help you lose weight because you won’t feel hungry and won’t eat as much.

6. Remove Toxic Waste Faster

The leftovers of your digested food stay in the small intestines until they are ready to be removed through your excretory system. When you’re not taking in enough insoluble fiber, the wait can be long. As those leftovers remain in your intestines, they can begin to putrefy and release toxins in your body. Those toxins can enter your bloodstream, travel to other parts of your body, and can produce carcinogens that increase your risk of cancer over time. By increasing your intake of insoluble fiber, you’ll keep things moving faster and that means you won’t have this problem.

7. Risk of Diverticulosis

Because the insoluble fiber will prevent so much pressure from being placed on your colon, some research shows this will minimize the chances of pouches known as diverticula from forming on the sides of the colon. If you have these pouches, they can become inflamed and cause a condition known as diverticulitis. This can cause pain, cramping, and diarrhea. The condition can become chronic.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “7 Answers: Why You Should Add Insoluble Fiber to Your Diet Plan”

  1. 1
    Cara Says:
    I was having serious stomach problems before my doctor made me add additional fiber to my diet. It really made a difference in how I felt and how my body stayed regular. Knowing that it's good for me as well is a big plus.