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7 Advantages of Biodegradable Plastics

  • Biodegradable plastics are a much better choice than non biodegradable plastics
  • Biodegradable materials are much friendlier to the earth and the environment
  • Green biodegradable plastic require less than half the energy of traditional plastic to produce

1. Bioplastics Are Renewable

Bioplastics are made from biomass, and are green biodegradable plastics which are made from renewable sources. Biomass is organic matter that breaks down, and there is an abundant supply of it all around the world. This includes grass, trees, other plants, and all other organic materials that decompose, including animal meats, fats, and other tissues. There will always be organic material growing and breaking down, and that makes bioplastics a product that is renewable.

2. Biodegradable Plastics Break Down Faster

Biodegradable plastics and green biodegradable products break down much faster once they are discarded, if they are not recycled instead. This means that the plastic is absorbed back into the earth as the components, so that there are not tons of plastic laying in the landfills, taking decades or longer to break down. Non biodegradable plastic can also pose a threat to wildlife and marine life if discarded improperly, and using biodegradable materials instead can minimize this threat and protect the fish and animals.

3. Biodegradable Plastics Are More Environmentally Friendly

Bioplastics are much friendlier to the environment, in part because there is no destruction to the earth recovering fossil fuels and in part because there are very few harmful carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases being released. These plastics break down faster so they have a much shorter on the earth, and they will degrade completely. Normal plastics are manufactured using oil, and this process is very harmful to the environment by polluting the air and environment, but this is not the case with green biodegradable plastics. Using green plastics will minimize the effects that these products have on the earth, and help eliminate their waste much faster.

4. Bioplastics Can Be Recycled Easier

Biodegradable plastics are made from biodegradable materials, which will break down faster than petroleum based plastics that are not biodegradable. This means that these plastics can be recycled much faster and easier, using a lot less energy in the process. Recycling is the key to preventing more waste in the future, and bioplastics can be broken down and reused more effectively and more efficiently than non biodegradable plastics, giving them a definite advantage in this area.

5. Producing Bioplastics Requires Less Energy

During production bioplastics require less than half of the energy that non biodegradable plastics require to produce, meaning that twice as much biodegradable plastic can be made with the same amount of energy. This gives green biodegradable plastic a distinct advantage over petroleum based plastics, and makes it a much greener and energy conservative choice when comparing the two.

6. Bioplastics Reduce Foreign Oil Dependence

Using bioplastics will reduce the dependence that the entire country has on foreign countries and fossil fuels. Much of the oil used to make traditional plastics comes from Middle Eastern countries, and these countries are not always friendly to Americans. Remember the Iran oil embargo during the 1970s? Foreign oil dependence can affect national security and leave Americans very vulnerable to rising oil and plastic prices, as well as a critical energy crisis if these foreign countries decide to cut ff their oil shipments again. Because bioplastics are made from biomass materials created domestically, this plastic type does not contribute to foreign oil dependence, but instead replaces it with a domestic solution.

7. Biodegradable Plastics Are Not Toxic

Bioplastics are very safe, and they contain no toxins at all. With traditional plastics harmful chemicals and byproducts can be released during the breakdown and decay period, but this is not the case with plastic that is biodegradable. This all natural plastic breaks down harmlessly and is absorbed back into the earth. There is no chemical leaching into rain water or the ground to threaten the health and safety of people or animals nearby.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.