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5 Risk Factors for Lung Adenocarcinoma

Adenocarcinoma is a form of cancer that originates in the glandular tissue. While adenocarcinoma can form in other parts of the body, such as the colon, the lung is by far the most prevalent form of adenocarcinoma accounting for 30-35% of all cases. Lung cancer itself is one of the most common forms of cancer that affects adults in the United States. Like other forms of cancer, lung adenocarcinoma forms from the abnormal growth of glandular tissue cells in the lungs. These cells create tumors that destroy the lung, kill health cells and over time metastasize to other parts of the body. It is a painful and deadly disease and while it is commonly found in smokers it is also the most common form of lung cancer for nonsmokers. Here are five risk factors associated with lung adenocarcinoma.


Yes it seems obvious, but it is true that smoking great increases your chances of getting cancer in general and specifically lung adenocarcinoma. In fact, smokers are 13 times more at risk than nonsmokers. Whether it is cigarettes, cigars or pipes, they all affect your lungs. This is the biggest factor for lung adenocarcinoma of them all. If you smoke there is no better time to quit like the present. Your lungs can repair themselves and within a number of years you will have the same odds of lung cancer as a nonsmoker.

2.Second Hand Smoke

Second hand smoke is a huge risk factor. Do not think that just because you are not holding the cigarette in your hand that you are free from its deadly risk factors. Breathing in cigarette smoke is deadly. It might sound rude but there is nothing wrong with asking others to smoke outside. By forcing them to get up you might even be helping others by forcing them to smoke less.


Asbestos are long fibrous mineral crystals that are often used in insulation, brake lining, and other commercial uses. Miners and construction workers are particularly at risk for asbestos exposure. Long term exposure to asbestos can lead both to mesothelioma as well as lung adenocarcinoma. Make sure you take appropriate safety precautions if you work in an environment where you may come in contact with asbestos.

4.Radon Exposure

Radon is a naturally occurring colorless and odorless gas that has been shown to increase the rate of lung adenocarcinoma, especially in smokers. Radon can seep into your water supply and the lower area of your home from the soil so it is important to test you house for radon gas. You can buy radon kits at many hardware stores and you might want to test a new home before you purchase. Radon can increase the likelihood of lung adenocarcinoma by as much as 10 times!


Learn as much as you can about your family history because those who have lung adenocarcinoma in their family history have a greater risk. Make sure you provide your physician all the information you can so they can treat you accordingly.

For more information about adenocarcinoma cancer click here.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.