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5 Methods of Stress Prevention

Stress Prevention

  • Stress can lead so mental health issues
  • Stress relief tips can help you avoid feeling stressed
  • Healthy exercises that burn fat produce endorphins which relieve the feelings of stress. Also, remember to avoid fast food and get plenty of fruit and vegetable servings

Stress is a part of all of our lives, whether you consider yourself to be very laid back or whether you are highly strung. Stress need not always be a negative aspect of your life: it can make you react positively in certain situations. Excitement, competition and exertion are all forms of stress that can play a positive role in your life. However, stress is better known for having a negative impact. A feeling that you cannot cope with the various and complex aspects of everyday life can become overwhelming, and for some can lead to significant mental health issues. Here are 5 simple stress relief techniques to help avoid the effects of stress:

#1. Learn How And When To Say “No”

Everyone has responsibility in their lives, whether it is for family, work, property or simply getting food to eat every day. A life that is more complex seldom solves any problems with stress. Therefore, choose the things you accept responsibility for carefully, both in your professional and personal life. If you accept extra responsibilities you have the double stress impact of having to honor that responsibility while having less time for you/your family. Everyone likes to be helpful, but be realistic and honest about your limitations and capacity, and let some commitments go. Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks and remember to preserve valuable time for yourself and your family.

#2. Exercise Regularly

We all know that exercise promotes physical health, but it can also have an extremely positive effect on mental health. If you have stress in your life, exercise is an excellent stress reliever. Exercise can help put stress factors into perspective, while releasing endorphins into your body, which will help give you a sense of well being and a more positive outlook. Regular exercise will also help you feel better about yourself and your overall health. And exercise need not be in a gym or on a soccer pitch. A regular 30 minute brisk walk at lunch time will bring you the positive effects of exercise and will help improve your cardiovascular fitness and will burn fat.

#3. Healthy Diet

Similarly, what you eat can have a positive or negative effect on how stressed you can feel. A poor diet can cause you to put on weight and can also effect factors such as cholesterol and blood pressure, which can leave you feeling physically tired and less able to cope with the demands of everyday life. Foods that are highly processed, such as fast food, tend to be rich in salt and sugar, and tend to cause a blood sugar spike. The effect of such a spike can make you feel energised for a short period, after which you tend to crash into feeling very tired. Choose natural, unprocessed foods that will provide you with a consistent supply of energy throughout the day. Whole grain foods and fresh fruit and vegetables are usually good choices. Avoid processed fast foods, and avoid relying on foods that are heavy in stimulants such as caffeine.

#4. Talk About Your Troubles

One factor that can greatly increase the effect of stressful factors in our lives is the feeling that we are alone to deal with whatever troubles us. Stress can be reduced by discussing your problems with a friend or family member, or by joining some form of support network or group. People often say that “a problem shared is a problem halved” because merely having someone who is prepared to listen will allow you to lay out your problem logically, helping to find a solution, rather than going over the same problem time and again in your head. Also, the perspective of another person can often be valuable in dealing with a problem or source of stress.

#5. Take A Vacation

Finally, take a day off! Some time away can give you some valuable time to evaluate your life and approach your problems from a position where you can look at your life without having to deal with everyday issues. Also, lack of rest can be a stress multiplier. A will leave you feeling rested and refreshed, and better placed to deal with whatever stress factors you have in your life.

Stress is a part of all of our lives, but by taking some simple steps, you can help to avoid its worst effects. Take a structured approach to your problems and to your overall health and well being, and you will be better able to deal with stress in a positive way.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

3 Responses to “5 Methods of Stress Prevention”

  1. 1
    lukman moh Says:
    thank for this side
  2. 2
    Lora Says:
    I'm having health issues related to stress and high cortisol levels. My stomach hurts all the time, I'm tired even with 8 hours of sleep, I forget things I should know. I'm looking for how to fix on my own since my doctors don't seem to think there's anything wrong.
  3. 3
    Molly Says:
    I think number 1 is definitely the big one for me. I hate to tell anyone 'no' and I am the worst person when it comes to working herself to death. Sometimes the only time I get away from stress is when I get sick and laid up in bed.