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4 Ways to Recognize Signs of a Blood Clot – Updated Article With Extra Information on Dangerous Blood Clots.

Blood clots are dangerous semi-solid masses that form when damage to blood vessels occurs. This is the body’s response for preventing damage to blood vessels. Blood clots form in order to stop the blood from leaking out of the vessel. However, blood clots are dangerous when they block arteries and stop blood and oxygen from flowing to vital organs. The blood clots that block blood flow are one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes.

The four main blood clot signs that may lead to a heart attack include:
1) Chest pain – this is usually the first blood clot sign.
2) Radiating pain – it may be a pain that begins in the middle of the chest and feels like it’s pulsating all the way to the jaw, and spreading to the back and arms.
3) Abdominal pain – some people report experiencing pain in the abdominal area.
4) Cardiac arrest – pounding sensations and tightness in the chest are clear blood clot signs. In the extreme case of cardiac arrest the person may also have difficulty breathing, begin vomiting, and may even lose consciousness.

Stroke-causing blood clots usually display blood clot signs that are more concentrated on one side of the body. This could mean paralysis of one arm or leg, or one side of the face, as well as blindness. If blood clot signs have affected the left side of the brain, then speech problems may be the result. Surface vein inflammation is also one of the blood clot signs, which could cause pain and discomfort. However, these blood clots usually don’t break away or travel down the blood stream to other organs, so they actually do not cause complications or blockages.

Blood clots may also occur in the legs. The main symptoms here will include:

– redness
– swelling
– pain or tenderness over a vein
– shooting sharp pains when flexing the feet
– dull throbbing in the calves
– warm sensations
– widening of surface veins

There are various things you can do in order to protect yourself from having blood clots formed in your body. If you tend to sit for long periods of time, like during traveling for over 4 hours, you should stand up and try to walk around at least a little bit every 2-3 hours. You should drink a lot of water and generally stay away from alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Maintaining a healthy and regular exercise are also important, as well as not smoking. If you had surgery and have been confined to a bed for an extended period of time, move around vigorously as soon as you are able to. If you find out that you are in the risk category, there are special compression stockings you can wear. Also, if you find out that you are at risk, you may talk to your doctor about anticoagulants, which are a special kind of medication. And if you do experience any signs of blood clots, you should immediately go to the hospital.

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The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

4 Responses to “4 Ways to Recognize Signs of a Blood Clot – Updated Article With Extra Information on Dangerous Blood Clots.”

  1. 1
    shar crossley Says:
    great information about blood clots. my health officials have avoided that question. one heart nurse told me "you will come into office with frozen face and slobbering".
  2. 2
    Tom Says:
    Good information about blood clots. The information is really helpful.
  3. 3
    Shelly Says:
    Ever since my friend's mom got a blood clot, I have been scared to death about them. I feel better knowing what to watch out for.
  4. 4
    William Says:
    It really helps to know what signs you have to look for, since blood clots can be so dangerous. Thanks much!