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4 Risk Factors for Adenocarcinoma Cancer

Adenocarcinoma is a form of cancer that develops in glandular tissue cells in major organs such as lungs, stomach, breast, colon and prostate. They are the most common diagnosed cancers. It is most notably diagnosed in the lungs and accounts for over 30% of lung tumors. Some symptoms of adenocarcinoma include bleeding, pain, lumps and general discomfort. Consult a doctor immediately you experience any of these symptoms. Here are some important risk factors for adenocarcinoma.


Since so much of this disease affects the lung, smoking is by far the worst contributing factor. In addition to lung cancer smoking accounts for about 30% of pancreatic cancers as well. Even casual smoking can seriously increase you risk of cancer as well as second hand smoke. If you smoke, quit now. Within a short amount of time the risk factors associated with smoking dissipate. Within twenty minutes your blood pressure is back to normal, your risk of heart attack drops within 24 hours and within months your circulation improves.

2.Poor Diet

Excess fat and cholesterol in your diet can increase you chance of adenocarcinoma. You should eat a well balanced diet that includes plenty of antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause cancer. Citrus fruits and berries that are loaded with Vitamin C are great super foods. You also want to eat plenty of nuts, legumes and vegetables like kale and spinach. A diet high in fiber has also been shown to reduce your chances of many types of adeocarcinomas.

3.Family History

Cancer in all its forms has plenty of genetic risk factors. If any of your close family members have cancer you have a higher chance of developing it yourself. This is particularly important as you age and your chances of diagnosis increase. If you are not aware of your family history do whatever you can to investigate it so you can be better prepared. Go for regular medical checkups and remember to lead a healthy lifestyle.

4.Chemical Exposure

Whether it is at the workplace or elsewhere, chemical exposure is a serious risk factor. Some chemicals include asbestos, pesticides, and herbicides. If your job requires you to be exposed to these chemicals make sure you take appropriate safety precautions. There have been many documented cases of cancer from exposure. Visit a doctor regularly and make sure the rest of your life choices do not increase you risk.

Adenocarcinoma is serious and if you are prone to any of these risk factors be sure to tell you primary care physician. Always go for annual or bi-annual checkups and keep your doctor informed of any changes in your job, family history or lifestyle. Adenocarcinomas are fatal if left untreated but in today’s world of and with early detection there is a high survival rate. Keeping yourself proactive is the best defense.

For more information on adenocarcinoma cancer click here.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.