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3 Supplements that are a Waste of Money

While getting nutrition from whole food sources is always the best option, supplements are a convenient way to get your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. If you look inside a nutrition shop these days you will see the shelves stocked with many useful products but you will also find many that are as effective as flushing you money down the toilet. To boost sales, vitamin companies, as well as sport nutrition companies, will do whatever is necessary to make you think you cannot live without their product. Below are a few supplements that you can live without.

Supplements that are a Waste of Money

1) Soy

While Soy has its place for the lactose intolerant and vegetarians, it is a protein that should be avoided by the majority of individuals. Soy is a complete protein with high digestibility but it also highly estrogenic. In essence soy can have a toxic effect when exposed to organs such as the breasts, uterus and thyroid. Whey protein and meat protein do not expose your body to estrogen and therefore are much safer. Why expose yourself to hormone therapy when you are just trying to add protein to your diet.

2) Chitosan

Chitosan, a dietary fiber derived from shellfish, is the main ingredient in many carb and fat blockers. While it does absorb fat in your digestive track, it also prevents many nutrients from reaching essential organs. Plus, some fat in your diet is essential. If anything, put down the bread and use more olive oil!

3) Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential but you are much better off eating an orange or grapefruit than popping a pill. Most Vitamin C sold in pill form is simply ascorbic acid and not the entire Vitamin C complex. Without Tyrosinase, Factor J,K and P, Ascorbinogen, Rutin and Bioflavanoids it is incomplete and your body will only absorb about 10% of the nutrients.

For 3 More Supplements that are a Waste of Money Click Here…

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.