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3 Steps to Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

According to the breast cancer facts, one out of every eight women faces the risk of breast cancer in their lifetime. Although the genetics of your body cannot be changed, there are three changes that you can be made to your lifestyle that will lower your risk of breast cancer.

Step 1

Eat a low fat diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Do your best to make sure they are pesticide free. Don’t drink alcohol. Women who don’t drink have less breast cancer.

Step 2

Exercise and maintain your weight. Walk and walk and walk. Studies have found that women who walk three hours per week reduce their risk of breast cancer by 18 percent. Lose any excess weight you may be carrying. Studies show that women who gain excess weight after menopause increase their risk of breast cancer by 50 percent. Did you know that women who gain their weight around the waist instead of in their hips and thighs have a higher rate of breast cancer? Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Do your best to make sure they are pesticide free.

Step 3

Avoid hormone replacement therapy if at all possible. Taking estrogen and progesterone at the same time can raise your risk of breast cancer.

It is possible that cancer cells can be lurking in the body of any person without them knowing it. However, by taking these three steps to prevent cancer, you can considerably lower your risk of breast cancer.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.