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3 Major Steps For Healing Varicose Veins

Summertime can be one of the most dreaded times of the year when you have varicose veins. It’s too hot to cover up – and no matter how tan you get your legs, it doesn’t cover up those ugly bluish veins that seem to pop out on your legs. While there are invasive and expensive medical treatments to help reduce varicose veins, there are also some natural remedies that have shown excellent results.

3 Major Steps For Healing Varicose Veins

We must first understand that varicose veins are more problematic in women. It is believed that estrogen is one of the main culprits. During pregnancy, there is a twenty percent higher blood volume in the female body as well as the added weight of the baby. Both of these situations stretch the vein capacity. Another factor is that varicose veins are seen to be hereditary. The females in the family pass the weakness of the veins on within the family line. They typically appear on the upper thighs, behind your knees and sometimes in the feet. There are alternatives for varicose veins natural remedies.

There are studies that show that twenty two percent of those that take the herb horse chestnut have shown decreased vein leakage. The recommended dosage is two to four 500 mg tablets per day. To find the best quality horse chestnut, always go to a good health store. Horse chestnut has historically been one of the most recommended varicose veins natural remedies.

Dietary Recommendations:
Antioxidants are an easy way to reduce varicose veins naturally. They contain bioflavins that help the vein strength. Fresh blueberries and a good quality dark chocolate are just two of the sources of antioxidants. Consult with your practitioner on other dietary additives that are antioxidant rich. Two natural chemicals found in our foods assist in the reduction of varicose veins: Bromelain reduces swelling and soreness and can be found naturally in pineapples or can be taken via capsule form. Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory and can be found in apples, black tea and onions as well as capsule form. For the best results, it is recommended that you combine the intake of quercetin and bromelain. A good, quality daily vitamin will add the nutrients that your body needs to assist in better blood flow.

Non-invasive procedures:
Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that can reduce the pain and swelling of varicose veins. In a study, patients that have five acupuncture treatments have shown excellent results. Hydrotherapy is an alternating combination of hot and cold baths. This helps in the reduction of the varicose veins and assists the body with better blood circulation. A patient can also add massage therapy to a daily regiment. There are a number of massage therapy techniques for varicose veins that make the skin more tender and assists in the prevention of varicose vein development.

Those that have more severe cases of varicose veins will want to talk to their physician about wearing compression stockings. The compression stockings apply pressure at the ankles and gradually lessen the pressure as they stretch over the knee areas. This process forces the blood back into a more natural flow.

Always consult with your primary medical provider before making any dietary changes.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “3 Major Steps For Healing Varicose Veins”

  1. 1
    Meaghan Says:
    I've tried acupuncture and eating healthy, but it hasn't seemed to work on my varicose veins. Is my only choice now laser therapy? Unfortunately, it is quite costly.
  2. 2
    grace Says:
    thank you so much of this page cause it help me to know the remedies of my varicose viens.