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10 Ways to Remove Depression from Your Life

If you have been battling depression you know that this is a daily struggle that is often kept secret from even those that are closest to you. You have questioned why it is happening to you and possibly even thought it was a sign of weakness in your personality, causing you to add a feeling of shame on top of your already negative feelings. You need to know that this is a disorder, and nothing to feel guilty about.


First and foremost, depression is a disorder and needs to be treated in the same way as any other disorder. While it is considered a condition that is life long, there are a variety of options for you. If you haven’t seen a professional for a complete diagnosis, you need to do so. This doesn‘t mean that you will be required to be placed on medication, however it does mean you will achieve some answers and choices. There are many levels and types of depression and a professional will assist in finding your level and will work with you for therapies.

Maintaining a positive attitude: Yes, this is better said than done, but it is a first step. Each day you need to get up and find something positive that you are looking forward to. At the end of each day make sure you confirm that something good happened, even if it is something small. Starting a journal to include these good-things-in-life can be a tool to help.

Exercise may your body, but it also helps the mind. Exercise releases endorphins, which are the ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain and help to ward off depression.

Don’t self-medicate: Many people with mild to severe depression turn to pills and alcohol in a form of self-medication. This is actually the worst thing you can do, as these can actually make the symptoms worse. You may feel a momentary uplift, but it’s temporary and can be devastating.

Mediterranean Diet: Research has shown that following a Mediterranean Diet has been associated with lowering the symptoms of depression. Besides being good for your mood it is also healthier for your body, improving circulation, blood vessel functions, reducing inflammation and metabolic syndrome. This also means cutting back on fatty meats, high-carbs and all processed foods.

Get enough sleep: This means the right kind of sleep. The National Sleep Foundation understands that those who suffer from depression often have difficulty getting a good night’s rest. While exercise may help you sleep better, establish a routine to work your way into sleep. Start early, lower the lights, reduce external stimulation. Studies show that the body will begin to go into ‘sleep mode’ with reduced lighting and noise.

Vitamin D: Those who suffer from depression have also been found to have lowered levels of vitamin D. This vitamin is produced naturally by the body when we are exposed to sunshine, but winter months, combined with less outside activity can lower your vitamin D. Talk to your medical provider about adding a vitamin D supplement. The per day amount will be based on your age bracket.

Consider Yoga: Boston University School of Medicine has done research to report that those who participate in at least three hours of yoga showed an elevation in mood and a reduction of anxiety. When combined with other exercises such as walking, the improvement results continued.

Transcendental meditation: This is a form of meditation that involves repeating a mantra over and over again. Reports by the Society of Behavioral Medicine have resulted in findings that showed those that practiced transcendental meditation twice a day actually decreased their depression symptoms by 48%.

Reduce your stress: Stress can be a trigger that will enhance your depression. Find out what those triggers are in your life and reduce to a palatable level.

Stop smoking: This is easier said than done, but research shows smoking can actually elevate your risk of depression by more than double that of non-smokers.

Establish a good support group: This can be friends, relatives or even a network. There are many support organizations that are comfortable and will help you share your information as well as get support from those that understand what you are going through.

Source: http://www.lifescript.com/health/centers/depression/tips/10_ways_to_stay_depression_free.aspx

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.