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10 Things You Need to Know about Skin Care for Men

Skin Care for Men

  • Discusses the importance of skin care for men
  • Explains the reasons men need to care for their skin
  • Outlines tips designed to help men take care of their skin

Skin care for men is just as important as it is for women. All too often, all men really think about is shaving and throwing on some aftershave lotion. However, men skin care really requires much more than that. Come on guys, you can fall victim to dry and damaged skin as well. Why not learn how to take care of your skin so you can look that much better?

#1: Getting the Best Aftershave

Guys are bigger than girls. It’s in your genes. For the most part, you are taller, you are heavier, you have bigger muscles, and so on. You also have bigger pores. That can lead to a lot of oil if you do not know how to properly take care of your skin. To this end, you’ve been doing things right if you’re an aftershave man. However, just make sure you choose an effective aftershave lotion that will be able to help keep your skin from getting greasy.

#2: Know Your Skin

Fellows, you need to become well acquainted with your skin. You need to learn what it needs and what it wants in order to stay looking and feeling healthy. You need to know what cleansers are good and which ones are bad. You need to know what can help your skin and what can hinder your complexion.

#3: Beware of Ingredients

Some of the ingredients in men skin care products are very harmful. They can be harsh and abrasive, due to the inclusion of chemical ingredients. This is an important aspect of skin care for men, because products like these can do your skin a lot of damage. Your skin can get irritated and painful.

#4: Combating the Sunday

It is very, very important that you protect your skin from the sun and its harmful UV rays. Thus, whether you go for a standard sun block or a face lotion that contains a sun screen as well, you want to make sure your skin is protected each and every time you go outside.

#5: Calling All Cleansers

Finding a good cleanser is imperative. Without one, you could wake up with blackheads, whiteheads, and zits without warning. The cleanser you choose needs to match your skin type, whether it is oily, dry, or normal.

#6: Moisturizer

Never underestimate the importance of a good moisturizer. Dry skin is unsightly skin. However, don’t get one with oil in it, because oily skin is unsightly skin as well.

#7: Tune in to Toners

Though you might make fun of your wife or girlfriend for her skin care regimens, you could learn a lot from her – like the importance of toners. This will help to keep your skin firm and supple, which helps keep you looking younger.

#8: Diet, Diet, Diet

What you can have an enormous effect on your skin. Those effects can be either positive or negative. They will be positive when you maintain a healthy, nutritious diet. When you eat a lot of fast food and junk, your skin will suffer the consequences.

#9: Lifestyle Changes

Smoking and drinking can be bad for your skin as well. Naturally, it would be better to quit if you do either one. Lacking that, however, just try to moderate your intake and take the proper precautions.

#10: Exercise

This may not seem like an aspect of skin care for men, but exercise can be extremely beneficial. It helps to keep your skin toned and healthy.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “10 Things You Need to Know about Skin Care for Men”

  1. 1
    Clara Says:
    Well, this is all great, but most men will never read this. Let's face it! My husband tends to get really bad spots sometimes, and they stay for ages. He gets them on his chest and neck mainly (sometimes on the face). How can those be treated?
  2. 2
    Clara Says:
    Well, this is all great, but most men will never read this. Let's face it! My husband tends to get really bad spots sometimes, and they stay for ages. He gets them on his chest and neck mainly (sometimes on the face). How can those be treated?