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10 More Foods to Prevent a Heart Attack

In last year’s article we looked at ten foods that prevent heart attacks. While we mentioned fresh vegetables we did not signify which vegetables, in particular, are your best defenses against a heart attack. Just as cardiovascular exercise is important, and of course red wine in moderation, eating a healthy balanced diet is also essential.

10 More Foods to Prevent a Heart Attack


As an excellent source for Vitamin C, Grapefruit is contains powerful anti-oxidants that eliminate free radicals in your system. Grapefruits also contain lycopene, pectin and soluable fiber which helps lower your cholesterol. Always go red over yellow grapefruits as they have been proven to be twice as powerful in lowering cholesterol.

2.Olive Oil

Virgin olive oil is the best oil you can choose. Rather than using butter or other kind of oil such as sunflower or canola, use olive oil in your meal preparations. Olive oil contains anti-oxidants as well as compounds that protect against clotting and inflammation.


Need an excuse to eat some dark chocolate in moderation? Cocoa, the main ingredient in dark chocolate, contains flavonoids that act as anti-oxidants in your body. Cocoa improves your circulation and even lowers your blood pressure.

4.Red Peppers

Red peppers contain more Vitamin C than an orange and contain beta-carotine, Vitamin B and folic acid. These vitamin packed vegetables also provide fiber which lowers your cholesterol levels protecting and nurturing your heart.


It worked for Popeye and it can work for you! Spinach as well as other leafy greens are packed with anti-oxidants and even have small amounts of omega fatty acids which increase your good cholesterol (HDL) while lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL)


Avocados contain folate, as well as beta-sitosterol, which have been shown to lower cholesterol. They are also one of the one fruits to contain healthy fatty acids to improve your good cholesterol levels (HDL)


If you are a vegetarian than you are probably familiar with the powerful health benefits of Tofu. But even if you eat meat, Tofu can be a great substitute. Tofu contains minerals, folate and isoflavones which have all been shown to prevent heart disease and heart attacks.


Oatmeal may be the ultimate breakfast. Not only does it provide complex carbs to give you sustained energy throughout the morning, but it also is great for your heart. Oatmeal contains saponins which is a phytochemical that cleans your bloodstream and lowers your cholesterol. Make it part of your complete breakfast!

9.Walnuts and Almonds
These two nuts in particular contain healthy fatty acids and are also a great source of fiber. They are the perfect mid day snack because they make you feel full and provide valuable heart healthy nutrients


While we mentioned this one before it is worth mentioning again. Out of any fish, Salmon is the most heart healthy of them all. While Tuna is also beneficial, it contains a higher amount of mercury and should not be eaten as often. Salmon is packed with Omega fatty acids and is a terrific source of protein.

To read previous articles on foods that prevent a heart attack click here

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “10 More Foods to Prevent a Heart Attack”

  1. 1
    Tom Says:
    It's a bit of bold statement that these foods can prevent heart attacks. I think it should also be pointed out how important a regular exercise routine is. Because if you just sit on your butt all day and eat healthy food, it won't do your body that much good.
  2. 2
    Tom Says:
    It's a bit of bold statement that these foods can prevent heart attacks. I think it should also be pointed out how important a regular exercise routine is. Because if you just sit on your butt all day and eat healthy food, it won't do your body that much good.