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Strength Training for Women Over 40

Are you starting to experience the aches and pains that signal a body over age 40? An inactive lifestyle negatively influences many of the difficulties of aging, while the effects of exercise positively influence every physiological system in the body. Strength training for women over 40 can improve respiratory problems and impact cardiovascular health, helping to ameliorate the effects of aging.

Lifting hand weights is a great place to start strength training for women over 40. Simple hand weight exercises protect against lower back injury, improve your posture, and tone and strengthen your upper body. To begin with, select a weight you are comfortable doing 8 repetitions and gradually build up to 12 reps per exercise, increasing the weight periodically.

When beginning your strength training, don’t leave out the cardio and stretching. Aerobic exercise works the large muscles, benefitting your cardiovascular health, while stretching is important to keep joints flexible and reduce injuries and muscle soreness. Cardio workouts at home can be fun and easy with the plethora of exercise DVDs available, or grab a friend and walk the neighborhood. You can achieve stress relief while you stretch with yoga or Pilates, which also build up core body strength and increase your stability—both necessary for any form of exercise.

For cardio and strength training for women over 40, slowly up to 20 minutes a day, three to four times a week. Mix up your routine to avoid boredom, but be sure to fit in cardio, strength training, and stretching for a well-rounded routine. Remember that cardio workouts at home are some of the best ways to improve respiratory problems.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.