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Top 10 Hidden Skin Problems And Signs

Hidden Skin Problems

  • The top 10 hidden skin problems and signs can be an indication of other more serious problems.
  • Hidden skin problems and signs can be treated with medical help.
  • The top 10 hidden skin problems and signs can be serious or just annoying.

1. Severe Itching On The Skin In General

Severe itching on the skin can be a sign of hidden problems. Any itching which starts suddenly and occurs on large areas of skin should be taken seriously and medical treatment should be sought. This can be a sign of a severe allergy, but it can also indicate a disorder with the thyroid gland, or a disease of either the kidney or liver.

2. Keratosis Pilaris

This skin problem may also be called chicken skin, and the skin develops small bumps which are raised and feel rough. This condition occurs because of essential fatty acids which are missing from the diet. This condition occurs most often on the upper arms but can appear in other places as well. Eating more foods with essential fatty acids can eliminate this condition.

3. Cellulitus

Cellulitus is an of the skin, but one which occurs on deeper levels and not on the surface. The dermis of the skin, and lower subcutaneous tissue, have an infection which can spread. A small red area of skin is noticed, along with swelling and pain. Other signs of infection will follow, like fever, chills, and others. Antibiotics will normally resolve this condition, but in severe cases surgery may be needed to drain the infection.

4. Lyme Disease

One hidden skin problem that may be serious is Lyme disease. Started by a tick bite, this disease can cause a circular rash which grows larger over time, and is generally where the tick bite is located. Many people who have caught this disease did not even realize a tick bit them, and some may not develop a rash. Many people were diagnosed with this disease after seeing a doctor for the rash though.

5. Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the biggest hidden skin problems around. More than one million people a year are diagnosed, and when detected early this cancer is almost always curable. Skin cancer starts with changes in the skin appearance, and can include new or changing moles or warts, as well as sores which will not heal over time. Growths which have rough or uneven edges, or that appear unusual, should be checked immediately by a doctor.

6. Shingles

Pain and sensitivity in the skin, as well as the appearance of small blisters in specific areas, may signal a shingles attack. This is when the herpes virus responsible for chickenpox is reactivated in the body, and starts attacking the nerves. Blisters on the forehead or temple area, or a rash in these areas, can indicate that the virus is affecting the eye area and is a dangerous emergency.

7. Medications

Some medications can be the cause of hidden skin problems. Burning, itching, sun sensitivity, swelling, and a general rash can occur with some medications as a side effect. These skin problems can be eliminated by having the doctor change or adjust the medication to minimize the side effects caused.

8. Scabies

If itching and irritation occur on the skin in the area of the wrists, fingers, groin, underarms, and other skin creases, scabies may be the cause. These small mites attack the skin where creases are present, and then they burrow under the skin to feed. Scabies can spread through hospitals and other facilities, and can be treated very easily.

9. Skin That Is Yellow

Yellow skin is normally associated with jaundice, but this can be a hidden sign of other problems as well. One reason for this is a thyroid which is not active enough, which is also called hypothyroidism. When this happens there is not enough of the hormone thyroxine, and this means that carotene is not properly converted in the body.

10.Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are normally associated with pregnancy, but this is not always the case. These marks can appear for a number of reasons, including rapid growth, and one possible cause for these marks is a zinc deficiency in the diet. Including more zinc in the diet can help prevent stretch marks, and many health problems.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Top 10 Hidden Skin Problems And Signs”

  1. 1
    Kaitlin Says:
    How can you tell skin cancer apart from just a regular mole? I have a mole that I think has changed shape just a tiny bit, but I can't even be sure 100 percent. Is it a cause for concern or does the change in the mole shape have to be profound?
  2. 2
    Kaitlin Says:
    How can you tell skin cancer apart from just a regular mole? I have a mole that I think has changed shape just a tiny bit, but I can't even be sure 100 percent. Is it a cause for concern or does the change in the mole shape have to be profound?