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Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

  • People who eat at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables a day had a 30% less chance of having a heart attack or a stroke.They also help control blood pressure and digestive problems.
  • Fruits and vegetables don’t just stop health problems; they can also be useful in ensuring you receive all of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to work properly and efficiently.

  • All of us have been told at least once in our lives that we need to be eating more fruits and vegetables. That’s probably never been as true as today when so many of us consider a meal to be whatever we can get through a drive-through on the way home from work. Let’s look at some of the of fruits and vegetables so you can see why adding a few more servings could be a great idea for your lifestyle.

    Good Health & Produce

    Plenty of research has been done to show a connection between how much you consume from the produce department and many aspects of health. For example, a study involving 110,000 people who were followed for fourteen years found that those involved who ate at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables a day had a 30% less chance of having a heart attack or a stroke. Other studies in Europe have found similar findings as well.

    Diets rich in vegetables and fruits have also been shown to help control blood pressure and digestive problems, such as diverticulitis. Some of the compounds found in vegetables and fruits may also help prevent certain types of cancer. Lycopene (which is found in tomatoes), for example, may help reduce a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer.

    Although commonly joked about, one of the health benefits of carrots is that the Vitamin A they contain can actually improve vision. However, it mostly affects nigh vision. There are other compounds in produce that help with vision as well. Spinach, kale, corn, grapes, and kiwi can help stop free radicals from damaging the sensitive tissue around our eyes thanks to the lutein and zeaxanthin pigments they contain. These pigments can help prevent the formation of cataracts while research shows eating lots of produce can also reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

    Other Benefits

    Fruits and vegetables don’t just stop health problems; they can also be useful in ensuring you receive all of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to work properly and efficiently. Just look at the health benefits of apples. Besides being rich in vitamins and nutrients, they are high in fiber which means they can keep your bowels functioning correctly. Apples are also ideal foods for dieting because they are fat free, sodium free, and cholesterol free. Plus, all of that fiber will help you feel full so you won’t be hungry again.

    Like apples, there are many benefits of bananas, too. They are also free of cholesterol, sodium, and fat and are great sources of fiber. However, they are also excellent ways to increase your levels of Vitamin C and potassium. Keep in mind that potassium deficiency can have severe health consequences so eating enough bananas can be a smart choice.

    Of course, fruits are the only good for you produce. Vegetables provide their own benefits, too. Broccoli, for example, packs a punch in the good health department, too. It’s low in fat, especially when you don’t drown the taste in rich cheese or butter sauces, plus it contains high levels of Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

    The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables”

  1. 1
    Gabe Says:
    My wife and I have always encouraged our children to eat fruits and vegetables, the hardest thing to get kids to eat. We ask them to try something once and if they like the food, we tell them the benefits of eating them. They still aren't convinced about muscles like Popeye when it comes to spinach, but it's good to see them pick an apple over candy when they want a snack.